Why cash is best

There are a number of good reasons why cash is best when buying things: For a start it’s real. Paying in cash forces you to consider the real purchase price. You have no choice but to consider how much money you’re paying overall, and not just what you’ll have to pay as a deposit or on a periodic basis.

Making Do

In any situation or circumstance people have to make do with what they have. In modern western market societies give us more goods and services than we need for well-being. People work hours longer than they need to and often go into debt so that they don’t have to make do. Subsequently the art of making do has been lost. We New Zealanders have a long proud tradition of making do.

The Vital Few

The Vital Few

The 80:20 principle is an extremely useful way of thinking about the vital few things that matter the most. It is not a mathematical formula and there … Read more

No regrets

A nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed. This is one of the most potent life lessons I’ve ever read. Bronnie Ware, a … Read more

Halving – Part 2

Double your valuable time by halving your useless stuff It is said that material possessions can be and often are an extension of a person’s ego. … Read more