There are many ways that you can do more good with less which will also make you happier, healthier and more alive.

Do more with less

‘Do more with less’ is a catch-cry in the sustainability movement but it is also a catch-cry for businesses who despoil the environment. The point is that doing more with less is fine if what you are doing is good – but what if it’s bad?

That’s why we say: Do more Good with less

In this case good means well-being and sustainability and less applies to ‘stuff’ – energy, water, materials, resources.

Consumerist lifestyles make people and our planet sick. By reducing consumption you can save money and time (as well as saving the planet) and do more of the things that bring true well-being like relationships with loved ones, caring and sharing, learning and personal development, activities and pastimes.

The following list of strategies will help you get more out of life with a smaller ecological footprint.


Doing more with less is really about accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative. It is leveraging the positive vital things in life and eliminating the negative trivial things. Read more about Leverage»

Sharing and giving

Sharing feels good because it is good – for you, for others and for the world. We don’t all need to own everything. By sharing with family, friends and neighbours you get the benefit of helping others and enjoying social connections. Read more about Sharing»


Good quality refers to characteristics like durability, lack of defects, usefulness and aesthetic appeal. Something that is more useful, lasts longer and looks better is going to be kept longer. This means more value and less waste. Read more about Quality»


By anticipating consequences and taking advantage of them if they are good, or eliminating them if not, you will be able to do more with less. It is about making good things happen, not just reacting to bad things. Read more about Proactivity»


Caring is a fantastic way of getting more good from less. Caring leverages your energies so it is possible to simultaneously help yourself, help others and help the wider world. Read more about Caring»


Builder will tell you to “measure twice, cut once”. The point is that it’s much less wasteful to do extra planning and preparation than it is to make mistakes. Planning can be used to reduce waste and save money, time and resources. Read more about Planning»


Fast-paced lives make it difficult to slow down and smell the roses. People only unwind on holiday and even then they often pack their days with activities so that they don’t waste the opportunity. But there is another way. Read more about Savouring»


Our modern lives, especially in the western world, can be much too complicated. By keeping it simple, by doing and having less, people will usually get more satisfaction. Read more about Simplicity»

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