Simple Pleasures

In former times, when life was physically tough, the simple pleasures of life would have been wonderful. Workers would have enjoyed doing a job well. Everyone would love a good old chin-wag around the hearth with family and friends. Without all the comforts we now take for granted – a hearty meal, a warm, comfortable bed and a good nights sleep would have made the world of difference.

These days we are so spoiled that simple things just don’t cut it, at least not like they used to. However, when we take the time to slow down and savour the various experiences that make up our life, we can find that the simplest of pleasures can be the best.

My Simple Pleasures

For example, I have always loved ‘clean sheet night’ – the feeling of cool, crisp, clean sheets that have been dried on the line in the breeze.

I love marmite on toast. Egg sandwiches. A swim in the river. Warm wool socks, or wool anything! Sitting in the shade with a cooling breeze on a hot day. Rain on the roof. A calm hug. Sitting around a camp fire and Having a beer with mates. A walk on the beach. A shoulder massage from my wife. Giggles when I crack a joke – or try to.

These things cost nothing, or very little, but they are priceless to me.

Other Simple Pleasures

You will have your own simple pleasures, we are all different that way.

Listening to the birds, or the cicadas, or the wind in the trees. Watching kids playing and loving life. The smell of flowers, grass, the earth, or the sea. The feeling of a cool breeze on your skin. A stranger smiling at you. The feeling of being rugged up warm outside on a cold winter’s day. A picnic outing with family, or hanging out with friends. Petting the cat on your lap or throwing a ball for your dog. Watching clouds race past overhead or just hang in the sky like big puffs of whipped cream. The visual splendour of a sunset or a clear night’s sky full of stars. A game of cards or trivial pursuits. The list goes on and on.

Getting into nature

One of best simple pleasures is to be in nature. I am aware that there are plenty of people who would prefer to stay in their artificial, comfort zone and would rather not go into nature. But I think that can lead to what has been called ‘nature deficit disorder.’ We get so used to man-made environments but they can be devitalising, because it is hard to feel ‘grounded’ in all that abstraction.

Complex Pleasures

Then compare all the expensive, complex consolations like gadgets, cars, boats, motorbikes, $200 bottles of whiskey, $100 bottles of wine. Shopping for designer clothes. Big flash dinner parties with all the trimmings. Expensive spas, manicures, hair-dos, facials, and so on. Overseas travel with five star hotels and room service.

These are not simple – they are expensive and use plenty of resources. I have no problem with any of these things in small doses. I think it is good to treat yourself from time to time but l think it is better all around to just keep it simple.

What is Simple?

I love the question: can you pursue your passion no matter the resources available to you.? If so, you are able to fully-function as a person without the need for much compromise.

It occurred to me that you could also ask yourself a similar question: can you have simple pleasures no matter the resources available to you? The answer is obviously, Yes! That’s the beauty of simple pleasures – they are simple. They don’t use much in the way of resources, including money. Meaning anyone can have them at any time. A lot of the time it is about being present, being grounded and savouring the moment.

In this day-and-age where so much is available to so many people, where choices are endless, we can get anything we desire delivered to our door, we can still curiously be unsatisfied.

Often the best things in life are not things.

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Making memories

Making a life

Quotes about Simple Pleasures